Saturday, October 8, 2011

With A Little Help From My Friends

Always, Sir, set a high value on spontaneous kindness. He whose inclination prompts him to cultivate your friendship of his own accord, will love you more than one whom you have been at pains to attach to you."
- Samuel Johnston

On 8 October 2010 I had to face the proverbial music. After years of denying my true self for fear of rejection, I finally had to look the person in the mirror squarely in the eyes and come to terms with who he was.

The past year has been an emotional rollercoaster. One that I have documented fairly extensively. I therefore have no desire to rehash any of those topics. No, today I want to acknowledge the fact that I could not have made it through this past year had it not been for the love and support of a number of individuals. So this post I dedicate to you:

RR - the first person I felt comfortable enough to confide in. Even though we barely knew each other at the time, something told me that if anybody would understand my emotional struggle it would be you. And you did.

CM, BW and MCfor sharing the stories of your individual journeys with me, and helping me make it through the first couple of days.

A boyfor the liberating first kiss that was the affirmation of who I am.

SSfor getting me through the worst New Year’s day of my life.

MB, SA, AJ and LAfor accepting me unconditionally, and providing me with a safe haven at work.

MAfor simply being one of the most special and genuine people I’ve ever known, and for all the chats at a time when I felt at my loneliest.

LM, TS, DS, TE and JBfor your overwhelming support and understanding in the days leading up to me coming out to my parents. And even more so for comforting and encouraging me thereafter.

I can never thank you all enough for what you’ve done for me. I cherish your friendship, and you will always have a special place in my heart.

I know that my journey is far from over. There’ll be plenty more obstacles to overcome and battles to fight. And as daunting a thought as that may be at times, I find comfort today in the knowledge that when it’s all over I will be able to say “I got by with a little help from my friends”.

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