Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Change Is Gonna Come

It has been quite a while since my last entry. I guess there could be quite a number of reasons for that. The past couple of weeks have been really busy. I haven't really had much to say, and precious little seemed to interest me really. To be quite honest, I feel like I’ve been stuck in a bit of a rut lately. And I just didn't know what to do about it.

Easter holidays are just a month away. My parents invited me to go away with them for a couple of days. I have been hesitant in accepting, because I didn't know if I could spend 9 days with them at this point. I've been finding it harder and harder to spend time with them, and I know it's due to my own hang ups.  It kills me that I can't be my true self around them. I don't want to keep secrets from them. And yet I know that the timing just isn't quite right yet - you definitely don't break "earth shattering" news to your family over the holidays.

The past weekend was actually a pretty good one. In fact, it's the best I've had in quite a while. I went out with a new friend, and I had a great time. I think for the first time I got a taste of what life could be like once I'm free to be unashamedly myself. And I liked it.

So I've decided that I will in fact take my parents up on their offer. The way I see it, we may as well try and have one last good holiday before it all possibly goes south. Although I won't be breaking the news to them during our holiday, I plan on doing so shortly after our return. There's no point in putting off the inevitable any longer. The longer I wait, the bigger the chance of getting caught up in a web of lies and deceit. That's the last thing I want. And until I'm out to my parents, I will never be able to live a full life.

It looks like things may finally be starting to move along. I don't know exactly what to expect, but I'm going to try and be cautiously optimistic about the future. They say that change is the only constant in life. There's probably precious little other that you can do than embrace it.

So here I am at the beginning of a new week - ready to open my arms and embrace new possibilities. Content in the moment, and confident in the fact that at some point a change is gonna come.

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