Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The “Ick” Factor?

"Just a little bit stronger
Just a little bit wiser
Just a little less needy
And maybe I'd get there...
Just a little bit pretty
Just a little more aware
Just a little bit thinner
And maybe I'd get there..."
Maria Mena, Just A Litte Bit

Why is it so hard to meet a decent guy these days? It’s not like they’re not out there, because they are. It’s just that they’re all already in a relationship, live a little far away or they’re simply just not interested. It’s a sad state of affairs indeed.

I have had my fair amount of crushes, and none of them have ever amounted to anything more than that unfortunately. I can’t tell you how many people have told me that I should just keep the faith, because I’m going to find somebody amazing.

You know what? Quite frankly, I’m tired of always being told that. That, and that I’m sweet and thoughtful and sincere. Where has that gotten me? Sweet and sincere simply doesn’t seem to cut it. I’m starting to think that they must be the least attractive qualities in a guy. Either that or people just don’t want to be treated well.

Just what exactly is it about me that keeps putting guys off? Am I not smart enough? Not wealthy enough? Not attractive enough? Is it the fact that I have high moral values and strong beliefs? Is it because I’m not easy?

I mean, let’s get something straight – I’m not looking for a one night stand or Mr Right Now. I’m not about to compromise my values for anyone. No, because I deserve to be more than just somebody’s option or flavour of the week.

Who knows? Maybe I just don’t have the “X” factor. Maybe it’s not even about what I’m lacking. Maybe it’s about what I do have.

And that appears to be the “ick” factor.

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