Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome to my truth ...

I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog for quite some time now – even more so after watching “Julie & Julia” late last year. Unlike Julie however, I will not be blogging about a single subject every single day – I just don’t have the dedication, and neither is that the motivation for this blog. Besides - unless you’re an exceptionally good writer,  blogging about a single subject can get pretty boring pretty fast.

Now you might find yourself asking just what exactly my motivation is then? Well, it’s quite simple. I’m simply looking for a way to express myself. Over the past couple of months my mind has been working overtime. And I’m sure that just about anybody can tell you that being left alone with your own thoughts for too long simply just isn’t a good thing.

I don’t know what form this blog will take yet, or even how often I will post. Hell, I don’t even know if anybody will read it. But then, that isn’t the point. At the end of the day I’m just a boy, trying to find his was in a world where the only constant seems to be change. I laugh, I cry, I hurt, I love – and I guess that’s what this blog will be about. A window into my soul.

Before I start on this journey, I have to thank someone special for giving me the final nudge and encouragement I needed to start on this exciting new journey. I won’t mention your name, but if you’re reading this you will know who you are. So thank you!

I guess that leaves me with nothing else left to do but to welcome all of you to the life and times of an average joe.

So welcome to my world. Welcome to my truth.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just went through and read all of your entries. You are an incredibly talented writer. You have no idea just how much I can relate to a lot of what your posts. What you've done takes guts and courage, and you've come a long way. You should be, at the very least, immensely proud of yourself. I've been there too, crying in my room at night, wishing I could be something I wasn't. I think, as human beings, we too seldomly take the time out to listen to and appreciate others, and what others have been through. So, this is my message to you: You may not know me, speak with me again, or even read this comment, but I am proud of you. You inspire me to live life fully, and to stop living in the shadows. You give me courage, and I hope that one day I can pass on to someone what you've given me. Thank you. B
